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67 Rue Pierre Charron Paris, France
11:00 PM - 5:00 AM
11:00 PM - 5:00 AM
11:00 PM - 5:00 AM
11:00 PM - 5:00 AM
Minimum Age: 18
Are classic cocktails, late-night parties, and the chicest crowds in the most fashionable cities your idea of a perfect night out? Then you need to visit Cova in Paris, one of our newest recommendations for the finest clubs in the world.
Cova is the new emblematic place of the Champs-Elysées, located in the heart of the Golden Triangle, the club is perfectly designed for the discerning nightlife lover. In an industrial atmosphere, solid parquet floor, New York-style brick wall, custom leather benches, state-of-the-art sound & light equipment with a multitude of possibilities! The decor brings to mind the height of the New York scene, with exposed brickwork alongside sleek surfaces and minimalist furnishings, meaning the focus is on tantalising your other senses. Located just 20m from the most beautiful avenue in the world, this very classy nightclub is open from Thursday to Saturday included, from Midnight until the early morning. Its woody décor is sumptuous and embellished with art all over the walls.
You can also find games to challenge your friends and make peace around their signature cocktails prepared by their mixologists. The cocktail bar part of the venue has a capacity of 300, and the club section 600, so you’ll be surrounded by revellers looking to have the best night of their lives. With that said, the venue is spacious enough that you can find a spot to take a break from the thrum of the dance floor and enjoy one or three of the expertly mixed drinks. With two bars and an indoor smoking room, the COVA is the ideal place for festive events, product launches, company cocktails, conferences, and team building.
The music played at Cova is a mixture of Afro, hip hop, hits, and house music, but there’s also a great blend of club classics, big electronic anthems, and more minimalist beats - so no matter what you love to dance to, you’ll find it at Cova. And that’s just the music - the quality of the staff is unparalleled, with prompt service and a wide variety of top-quality bottles on offer for those looking to make the night even more special. With an eclectic music selection, exquisite décor, and signature cocktails, Cova has everything you could need in order to forget about your stresses and enjoy yourself while surrounded by friends!
In regards to the dress code, dress like you are going out! You’re dressing in one of the top clubs in a beautiful metropolis. Everyone else in the club sure will look like they tried, so we suggest you do too! NO sportswear is allowed!
You know that feeling when you've had a long day and all you want to do is go out for some drinks with your friends? It’s time to escape your normal life. Goodbye Reality, Hello Cova!
Все объявления- Выбранная страна
- Европа
- Амштеттен(7)
- Бад Шаллербах(1)
- Баден(4)
- Берг(1)
- Браунау-ам-Инн(5)
- Bregenz(3)
- Брук-на-Мур(1)
- Грац(4)
- Хартберг(1)
- Инсбрук(5)
- Кеммельбах(1)
- Китцбюэль(4)
- Клагенфурт(5)
- Krems an der Donau(1)
- Куфштайн(5)
- Лейбниц(1)
- Лиенц(1)
- Лицен(1)
- Линц(5)
- Oetz(1)
- Пунитц(1)
- Радштадт(1)
- Зальцбург(5)
- Санкт-Пёльтен(2)
- Штирия(1)
- Штейр(1)
- Штейрегг(1)
- Траун(3)
- Вена(30)
- Виллач(5)
- Вёлькермаркт(1)
- Вельс(5)
- Вена(1)
- Винер-Нойштадт(4)
- Аалст(1)
- Аарсхот(2)
- Аффлигем(1)
- Андерлехт(5)
- Антверпен(11)
- Антверпен(1)
- Арлон(6)
- Ат(2)
- Обанж(5)
- Бастонья(2)
- Бланкенберга(1)
- Брюгге(5)
- Брюссель(21)
- Шарлеруа(5)
- Дейнзе(3)
- Dendermonde(1)
- Дист(2)
- Эттербек(5)
- Геел(1)
- Генк(5)
- Гент(7)
- Гераардсберген(1)
- Гримберген(2)
- Хассельт(5)
- Heusden- Zolder(2)
- Ieper(1)
- Изегем(1)
- Кнокке(4)
- Кортрейк(2)
- Ла Лувьер(2)
- Лёвен(5)
- Льеж(4)
- Лимбург(4)
- Ломмель(1)
- Mortsel(1)
- Остенде(1)
- Turnhout(1)
- Челябинск(1)
- Дубна(4)
- Геленджик(1)
- Иркутская(1)
- Калининградская(1)
- Казань(4)
- Краснодарский(3)
- Красноярск(1)
- Майкоп(1)
- Москва(52)
- Нижний Новгород(4)
- Новосибирск(1)
- Омск(1)
- Пенза(1)
- Ростов-на-Дону(2)
- Санкт-Петербург(13)
- Самара(1)
- Саратов(1)
- Серпухов(2)
- Севастополь(3)
- Сочи(5)
- Ставрополь(1)
- Сургут(1)
- Тюмень(2)
- Уфа(2)
- Владивосток(3)
- Екатеринбург(11)
- Аликанте(11)
- Барселона(138)
- Бенальмадена(1)
- Бенидорм(7)
- Кастельон-де-ла-Плана(1)
- Дения(1)
- Эстепона(1)
- Фуэнхирола(4)
- Ибица(53)
- Херес-де-ла-Фронтера(1)
- Lanzarote(1)
- Лас-Пальмас-де-Гран-Канария(5)
- Мадрид(72)
- Малага(10)
- Марбелья(54)
- Мурсия(1)
- Oviedo(1)
- Пальма-де-Мальорка(55)
- Пуэрто-Банус(3)
- Севилья(1)
- Таррагона(1)
- Тенерифе(10)
- Торревьеха(6)
- Валенсия(10)
- Vigo(1)
- Сарагоса(1)
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