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Cavo Paradiso Club Mykonos
Cavo Paradiso is regarded by the music industry community, its artists and clubbers worldwide as one of the most impressive music & entertainment venues on the planet. It is regularly voted in the top club annual lists by international publications.
The stunning architectural design was developed through various stages over the last three decades and it was done with total respect of its location ( on the top of the hill of Mykonos famous Paradise Beach), so you get the feeling of being within nature and you appreciate the wild beauty this beautiful Mediteranean island and the Aegean archipelago has to offer.
It is not easy for a nightclub to incorporate the surrounding natural beauty into its design and being able to dance in this kind of environment is something that has created unforgettable memories for thousands upon thousands of visitors. The venue recently acquired the prestigious Green Key, an award given to businesses in the tourist sector worldwide for the eco and green credentials. The iconic swimming pool modelled upon the shape of the island of Mykonos is one of Cavo Paradiso's historic trademarks and millions of pictures have been taken from it looking towards the open sea. It is also the best location to experience the impressive firework display, especially during our famous Full Moon parties!
Paradise beach - Left side on the hill, Mykonos 84600 GR
Club hours : 23:00 - 07:00 Monday to Sunday
Club's T (during club hours): :
+30 22890 26124
Administration Office T (hrs: 09:30-14:30):
+30 22890 27205
Online Table Reservations: makeyoureservation@cavoparadiso.gr