Preventing Colds and Flu: What to Do When You Feel Weak

In summer, we enjoy fruits and vegetables, enriching our bodies with vitamins and nutrients. But how can we maintain our immunity during the cold and flu season, and how can we differentiate between the flu and a cold?

As autumn arrives, we continue to bask in the sunlight and admire the beauty of the season. However, we often forget about the dropping temperatures and the threat of viruses and colds. So, how can we distinguish between a virus and a cold?

Identifying Symptoms

The initial symptoms of a viral infection include a fever of 38°C or higher, nasal congestion, a dry or wet cough, a sore throat, and a sudden overall weakness. A cold typically begins gradually: initial weakness, a slight rise in temperature, a runny nose, and, over time, a cough and sore throat. A key difference is discomfort and pain in the eyes, which rarely occur with a cold.

Preventing Colds and Viral Infections

  1. Balanced Diet and Adequate Rest: Ensure your body gets the necessary nutrients and rest.
  2. Daily Cleaning: Perform a wet cleaning at least once a day.
  3. Personal Hygiene: Wash hands regularly and use antiseptic solutions.
  4. Fresh Air: Spend more time outdoors.
  5. Avoid Crowds: When necessary, use medical or respiratory masks.
  6. Ventilation: Air out rooms at least twice a day.
  7. Active Lifestyle: Engage in sports and maintain an active lifestyle.
  8. Preventive Measures: Use preventive measures during flu outbreaks to support immunity.

Even with all these precautions, none of us are entirely immune to getting sick. We all visit public places, go to work, and shop, making it easy to catch a virus.

Treating Colds and Viral Infections

The elderly and children are most vulnerable to illnesses. Adults often continue their routines while sick, spreading the illness to others. At the first signs of a cold, it’s essential to stay home and rest. Drink plenty of warm liquids like tea, rosehip decoction, and warm water. For nasal congestion, rinse your nose with a saline solution. Use antiviral medications at the first signs of illness. Today's market offers a wide range of cold and flu remedies, including tablets, syrups, and suspensions.

Amrita experts recommend "Anti-t.b.s. Forte" – a source of biologically active plant-based substances for seasonal colds. This herbal product helps expel phlegm, soothes dry cough, and has strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects. It can help shorten recovery time from viral and bacterial respiratory infections.

Special Care for Children and Pregnant Women

Children’s initial cold symptoms can be easy to miss. Kids usually remain active until their temperature rises. When a child has a fever, ensure they drink plenty of water and clear their nasal passages to prevent complications.

Pregnant women are also at risk. During pregnancy, a woman's body works for two, making it more vulnerable. Colds during pregnancy require special attention, rest, and adherence to a doctor’s advice. Following these recommendations can make the treatment safe and swift.

Strengthen your health, stay energetic, and enjoy the autumn season!

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