Folic Acid: Why You Should Take It and How to Use It

Folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9, is an essential B vitamin necessary for the proper functioning of the body. But why is it important to take Vitamin B9, and what foods are rich in folic acid?

What is Folic Acid?

Folic acid is synthesized by plants and bacteria. Humans and animals cannot produce folic acid on their own, so it must be obtained through diet or dietary supplements. In humans, folic acid is ingested in the form of methylfolates found in various foods. In the body, folate is converted into its active form, tetrahydrofolate, which plays a critical role in numerous processes, such as DNA synthesis, tissue growth, and fetal development during pregnancy.

Folic acid is crucial for cell division, tissue growth, and maintaining a healthy circulatory system. A deficiency in folic acid can lead to various health problems, including anemia and circulatory issues. If you suspect a folic acid deficiency, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for dietary recommendations and vitamin supplements.

Health Benefits of Folic Acid

Folic acid can be prescribed in various situations, including:

Pregnancy: Folic acid is vital for proper fetal development. It's recommended for women planning to become pregnant or already pregnant to reduce the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.

Anemia: Folic acid can help treat anemia caused by a deficiency in red blood cells.

Low Folate Levels: Folic acid supports cardiovascular health and may reduce the risk of certain diseases like Alzheimer's and some cancers.

Gastrointestinal Disorders: Vitamin B9 can be prescribed for treating certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

Nervous System Health: Folic acid helps maintain healthy nervous system function and may reduce the risk of mental health disorders like depression and dementia.

Vitamin B9 is essential for both women and men. For women, it is beneficial not only during pregnancy but also for skin, hair, and nail health, as it aids in red blood cell formation. For men, folic acid improves sperm quality and increases the likelihood of conception. A deficiency in folic acid can impair spermatogenesis and reduce sperm count. Therefore, it is recommended to consume sufficient Vitamin B9 to maintain reproductive health in men.

Foods Rich in Folic Acid

Folic acid can be found in various foods, including:

  • Green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, kale, lettuce
  • Fruits: oranges, bananas, apricots
  • Legumes: peas, lentils, black beans
  • Nuts and seeds: peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds

Additionally, folic acid is often added to products like bread, breakfast cereals, and juices. It can also be obtained from dietary supplements.

Choosing Folic Acid Supplements

If you plan to take folic acid as a dietary supplement, consider the following factors:

  • Choose supplements from reputable manufacturers with a good market presence.
  • Pay attention to dosage: the recommended daily dose for adults is 400-800 mcg.
  • Consider the form of the supplement, such as tablets, capsules, or liquid, based on your personal preferences and needs.

Before starting any supplement, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

Experts at Amrita have developed the "B12 Folate Balance" complex. This balanced formula of phytoproducts helps maintain normal homocysteine levels, protecting the brain, heart, and blood vessels. "B12 Folate Balance" is a bioactive triad of B vitamins (B12, B9 folate, B6) that is highly effective in improving metabolic processes in the body, supporting the nervous and cardiovascular systems, immunity, blood formation, preventing anemia, and increasing energy and productivity. The product is very convenient to use – one capsule a day provides the daily requirement of folic acid, as well as vitamins B12 and B6.

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