Improving Conversational English and Other Foreign Languages

If you urgently need to enhance your conversational English or any other foreign language, this article is for you.

By compiling various methods found online, Turkmenportal offers straightforward advice on developing Speaking Skills.

So, what can you do to boost your conversational English in just one month?

Watching Movies, Series, and Cartoons in English

Watching films in their original language helps develop perception and comprehension skills in foreign speech, expands vocabulary, and improves pronunciation. Films are intended for native speakers, so by listening and repeating after the characters, you begin to mimic their intonation and pronunciation. To better understand and memorize words and expressions, you can watch movies with English subtitles.

Reading Books and Online Publications

Reading foreign literature, magazines, and newspapers fills in gaps in language learning, such as idioms and phrases, enriching your speech. Books and online media are treasure troves of sharp and witty phrases, aphorisms, and synonyms, things typically lacking in standard textbooks. Moreover, they help you learn about the culture and realities of the country whose language you are studying. By the way, finishing a book in English is also a reason for self-pride and a great motivation for further language skills upgrade.

Following Foreign Celebrities and Bloggers

Social media interactions typically revolve around people who speak your native language. However, the internet opens new avenues for language learners. Besides subscribing to foreign bloggers and celebrities matching your interests and language level, start corresponding and leaving comments in English. You can also listen to podcasts or audiobooks in English.

Learning New Words and Phrases Daily

A proven method to expand your vocabulary is to learn five new words every day. For better effect, create sentences with the new words. New words and phrases need regular repetition to be memorized. You can use special apps or websites for studying and memorizing new vocabulary.


Significant progress in learning a foreign language can be achieved through speaking practice. Find someone in your environment for daily conversation or talk to yourself or record your speech on a dictaphone. You can also attend language courses or interest clubs where you can communicate in English.

Simulating Different Situations

Imagine yourself in various life situations where you need to speak English. It could be a simple trip to the store, or you can fantasize and prepare a speech for winning an Oscar or meeting your favorite idol. Simulating situations helps not only to develop speech but also to overcome fear and shyness when speaking in a foreign language.
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