Explore New Fitness Trends: 10 Modern Directions That Recently Emerged

Fitness industry is constantly evolving, with its pace only accelerating. New equipment, trends, and of course, directions emerge regularly. Looking to add variety to your workout routine? Explore these recently introduced fitness types. Get acquainted with fitness directions that have recently emerged.


Hyrox debuted in 2017 and has been gaining popularity worldwide ever since. It combines functional training with endurance exercises: an eight-kilometer run and eight different exercises including skiing, sled push and pull, burpees, farmer's walk, heavy ball throws, and lunges.

Competitions are held both individually and in teams of two. What sets them apart favorably from CrossFit tournaments is the opportunity to undergo trials regardless of the type of training. The only difference lies in the time required to complete the exercises.

Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga, or hot yoga, is one of the popular serene fitness trends in the West. Sessions take place in specially heated rooms reaching up to 40 degrees Celsius, with humidity levels reaching 60%. The main distinction is the lower risk of joint injury when learning or repeating asanas.

As with classical yoga, the benefits include improved joint mobility with prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, improved tissue nutrition during physical activity, and normalization of the nervous system function.

Twerking Fitness

One of the trendy directions in group dance workouts gaining popularity due to recognizable movements. These are energetic movements involving buttocks, hips, and core muscles set to lively music. The basis is traditional dances of West African residents, stylized for modern realities.

Like other dance fitness directions, benefits include improved cardiorespiratory system function, increased energy expenditure (an alternative to running or cycling), and development of flexibility, coordination, confidence, and sexuality.

VR Workouts

VR workouts are gaining more and more popularity. You can exercise wherever and whenever you want without leaving your home. It could be yoga by the ocean or boxing sessions where you dodge, squat, and strike virtual opponents. You can even engage in competitive ball throwing workouts to work on upper body muscles or cardio workouts with changing leg and body positions.

There are countless applications for these new technologies. The downside for now is the cost of equipment, but in the near future, more and more people may be able to afford such fitness directions.

Aquatic Dynamics

One of the Les Mills directions, representing a set of choreographic movements in water. Under the guidance of a trainer, you will aesthetically expend a significant amount of energy to beautiful rhythmic musical works in Latin, disco, or soul genres.

A huge advantage is the minimal negative impact on joints in the aquatic environment. Besides, these workouts do not require additional equipment, so you won't have to look for it. As for the downsides, the main one is the need for a pool, but nowadays many fitness centers offer water workouts.


This fitness direction with an interesting name is based on traditional Indian martial arts. It includes jumps, turns, and bends. Instructors consider Kalaripayattu an excellent way for spiritual and physical development.

Kalaripayattu has several levels of difficulty for people of different fitness levels. Of course, this type of fitness is most common in India, but gradually its popularity is spreading further around the world.

Bosu Training

More and more often you can find workouts on a half-sphere in sports centers. Using just one piece of equipment, you can achieve completely different levels of load. Depending on the side of the hemisphere, the main focus of the training process can change: from strength during support on the hemisphere to coordination during support on the reverse side of the equipment. The more pumped the Bosu, the harder it is to maintain balance, relying on the foot or hands.

Jumping Fitness

For workouts you will need a special trampoline with a supporting handle, most often classes are held in a group format. Essentially, these are jumps with changes in body position, you perform tilts and turns, and the load shifts.

This type of fitness is perfect for developing leg and core muscles and will also help you burn a lot of calories and get in shape faster. But don't forget that high-activity jumping exercises have a number of contraindications that may prevent you from exercising.


This is a workout in suspension loops with handles at the ends. Such exercises do not require a large amount of equipment or free space; loops can be attached even to a closed door. Over time, exercises with loops have gained incredible popularity, and today such workouts are held in many fitness clubs.

Thanks to the versatility of the projectile, you can involve muscles throughout the body. Using it, you can do everything from lunges and squats to presses, pulls, and push-ups. Unlike regular free weight exercises, here additional load is formed due to unstable support. Which serves as a stimulus for including stabilizer muscles of the joints.


A direction that has become one of the most popular among LM Bodycombat, that is, workouts based on martial arts. The main elements are taken from boxing and taekwondo. This is a great way to vent all the negativity after a long working day or get rid of extra calories, as the classes are very energy-consuming.

For the same reason, contraindications to exercising this direction will be diseases of the cardiorespiratory system or musculoskeletal system, primarily knee joints. You can get carried away with a new fitness direction or more familiar old ones, just running or some martial arts. The main thing to remember is that moderate fitness activities improve the quality of life, health status, and self-confidence from a pleasant silhouette in the mirror reflection.
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