Why You Haven't Lost Weight Despite Diet and Exercise: 3 Overlooked Reasons

The foundation of effective weight loss lies in a diet devoid of fast carbs and unsaturated fats, complemented by regular exercise, which plays a crucial role. It's unnecessary to exclusively eat plant-based foods or permanently abstain from sweets. Nor is it necessary to exhaust oneself with daily strength training (also read: "Quick and Easy: 5 Best Workouts for Fat Burning").

Simply reducing your standard portion size and creating a small calorie deficit, while also acknowledging the benefits of exercise for achieving a beautiful silhouette and maintaining muscle balance (also read: "How to Create a Caloric Deficit to Lose Weight: Tips and Calculation Formula"). However, all these efforts will be reduced to zero if several common factors that seriously affect the weight loss process are overlooked. Trainer Shane Rowland shared on social networks three possible reasons for weight loss stagnation, which occur even in people who exercise and watch their diet.

Information Overload

Today, the internet is flooded with countless diets and advice from nutritionists, endocrinologists, and meal adjustment trainers. An excessive amount of information causes you to grasp at every recommendation (not necessarily suitable for you), listen to it, and slow down weight loss due to advice that is unsuitable for your body or lifestyle. Perhaps next time you trust new weight loss recommendations from experts, it's worth considering in advance how relevant they will be for you to avoid disrupting the fat burning process.

Why You Haven't Lost Weight Despite Diet and Exercise: 3 Overlooked Reasons

Inability to Apply Theory into Practice

An even more serious and widespread problem directly related to information overload is the lack of understanding of how to implement acquired knowledge. We can gather weight loss information from different people, and some advice may indeed be excellent, but when it comes to our situation, we actually don't know how to apply it.

Why You Haven't Lost Weight Despite Diet and Exercise: 3 Overlooked Reasons

Lack of Accountability

Finally, it may also be the case that you lack accountability to a specific person, which could serve as motivation for weight loss. This does not mean that falling in love with and starving yourself in order to appeal to someone at a convenient weight. Trainer Shane explains: "Since you have no one to hold you accountable, you are only letting yourself down. That's why accountability, especially at the initial stage of your weight loss journey, is crucial to help you gain momentum."
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