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Masseuse in Dubai
A prestigious massage salon in Dubai (UAE) requires therapists. If you are looking for an interesting job, dream of giving people joy, supporting their youth, health, beauty, want to work in a well-coordinated team of professionals and a recognizable salon with an incredible atmosphere and color, hardworking, sociable, friendly - we have almost found each other! Current vacancies in the Dubai massage salon are available for both experienced therapists and beginners without experience (the company conducts training in massage techniques, SPA procedures, relaxation massage). What we offer: a dream job in a young, cheerful and ambitious team with an oriental accent; high and stable wages, comfortable working conditions; convenient schedule: 2 shifts morning and evening from 10 am to 8 pm and from 3 pm to 1 am. opportunities for career growth. The company invites you to become part of a team striving for development and innovation in the field of beauty and SPA services.
WhatsApp and Telegram: Ecura Recruit +34 632 59 98 09