Running is one of the most natural activities for humans

Eva -0001-11-30
Running is one of the most natural activities for humans, both throughout history and for each individual. It stands out due to its biomechanics, engaging a large number of muscles, ligaments, and joints. The benefits of running include the following:

It enhances lung function, improves gas exchange efficiency, and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Oxygen is more effectively delivered to the body's tissues, aiding in detoxification.
The immune system becomes more resilient to viruses and bacteria. In the presence of malignant cells, the body is more proactive in combating them.
The nervous system becomes more active, boosting brain function. Running helps prevent and manage depression. For sleep normalization, it balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. A positive effect is achieved if running is done no later than two hours before bedtime.
Post-workout productivity increases, and the brain works faster than those who do not run. After running, the body produces more hormones like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which positively affect mood.
Body fat decreases, and the body mass index normalizes. This, in turn, creates a more attractive shape – an accessible cosmetic procedure, as it affects the glutes, thighs, torso, and facial shape. Even a light jog can burn hundreds of calories, but running is not a panacea for weight loss. Discipline in diet and regular physical activity are necessary, and overweight individuals should not start with intense workouts. Loads should be increased gradually. To combat excess weight and improve overall body function, follow some running training rules:
Gradually and regularly increase the load level. The body needs to adapt to new conditions. Ideally, a coach should monitor the process, advising on both load and technique. However, listening to your body's response during running is very important.
Regular training will yield maximum benefits – even twice a week for 30 minutes regularly will be beneficial. If the process is enjoyable, the frequency and duration can be increased, and strength training for muscles and stretching for ligaments and joints can be added.
Start with 15 minutes of running at a comfortable pace. If it's difficult, switch to walking. Do not think that it yields no benefits. Even regular 10-minute workouts have an effect. The most effective duration is between 30 to 40 minutes per session.
However, there are contraindications for running: congenital heart defects, heart failure, thrombophlebitis of the legs, acute infectious diseases, and severe musculoskeletal injuries. Low to moderate intensity exercises are beneficial. During excessive loads, such as marathons or interval training, the immune system weakens. Recovery can take several hours or even days.

Running is an excellent way to maintain robust health and invest in your longevity. By following recommendations and a disciplined approach, you can reap a set of positive effects for your body, confirmed by scientific and medical research.